Verbalise (Rosie Garland)

Last night was a brilliant night of poetry and storytelling at The Brewery Arts Centre in Kendal. In the Warehouse CafĂ©, Verbalise regulars were treated to the marvellous work of Rosie Garland, performance poet, goth superstar and much, much more. Her thirty minute set flew by like some dark raven on a mission from Odin…

Remember Me

Haunting places where secret agents once hid, I return to childhood as a stranger. All games played for keeps; no second chances. Committed to blood and rain and wind and sun, a tribe summoned down alleys by banshee howls; we spoke in bloodied tongues for a dare. Drawn to worship by abandoned rank canals, waist…

Poet Tree

Very pleased to have a poem in the second issue of Barren Magazine today, wonderfully illustrated by the photography of Matthew Yates. The online publication was due out on October 1st, but it was released early to the overwhelming approval of the growing number of folk who are aware of its existence. My own contribution…

Is that the time already?

Good grief, we’re half-way through September; this soapbox go-cart careers uncontrollably toward the cliff edge of oblivion, while the steering wheel comes off in my hands and I begin to regret that I didn’t incorporate a brake as a design feature. Ah well … At least Kendal Poetry Festival was good. I enjoyed listening to…